Sunday 5 October 2014

Windows 10 finally offers Recycle bin on your taskbar

Microsoft has already made it abundantly clear that
the company is not just listening to your complaints
about Windows — it’s also doing something about
them. If you still need additional proof, though, how
about this: you can finally put the Recycle Bin on
your Taskbar in Windows 10. Microsoft’s reps really
were serious when they said that Windows 10 is the
start of a whole new era.
This simple feature is something Windows geeks
have been clamoring for since the days of Windows
XP. With Windows 10 all it takes is a couple of clicks
and there’s your Recycle Bin, right next to your
favorite Windows apps. No need to minimize all your
application windows to access it. It’s right there next
to the Windows 10 Start Menu.
To pin the Bin to your Taskbar, you first have to
right-click and pin it to the Start Menu. Once you’ve
done that, a right-click on the Start Menu icon will let
you stick it onto the Taskbar. After that, you can
unpin it from the Start Menu if you don’t want it
cluttering up your Live Tiles.
The process is a little clunky, but this is far from the
finished version of Windows 10 we’re talking about.
It’s still just a preview build, and Microsoft will be
squashing bugs, refining features, and polishing
things right up until the RTM happens in the middle
of 2015. By the time Windows 10 goes gold, you may
just be able to right-click the Recycle Bin on your
desktop and pin it to the the Taskbar — or Microsoft
might even add an option on the Taskbar properties
screen to display it.
Now, there were ways to do this in previous
versions of Windows. Typically they required a bit
more tinkering, though, and didn’t feel all that
intentional. Hopefully Microsoft really is going to
give us this geeky little tweak in Windows 10.

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