Thursday 13 March 2014

Lebron James' Samsung Galaxy Note 3 crashes and burns

Lebron James is upset as his Samsung Galaxy Note 3 crashes and burnsThe Miami Heat have lost four out of their last five games. Analysts can blame this losing spell on a number of things, including fatigue. You might have seen the reigning MVP promoting Samsung's phablet on television, and unlike Ellen, the Miami Heat star actually does use his Samsung phablet wherever he goes.
LeBron James tweets about his phablet and HTC throws its two cents in
LeBron James tweets about his phablet and HTC throws its two cents in
So what is it about James' phablet that has him so pre-occupied? According to a tweet sent out by LeBron (his @KingJames Twitter site is widely followed), his phone just rebooted and wiped out all of the memory on the unit. LeBron called it one of the sickest feelings he ever had in his life. Um, LeBron, remember that Game Six loss to Dallas in the 2011 NBA Finals? Or even tonight's one point loss to Brooklyn?LeBron pulled the tweet, but it was probably not met with smiles in Korea where Samsung is based. After all, Sammy does pay LeBron handsomely to promote the company's mobile devices. Still, LeBron's phablet did stop working and he is pissed just like any of us would be if our phone just rebooted and did an unwanted memory wipe.Considering Nokia's recent attempt to insinuate itself in situations like this, we would have expected a note to LeBron from the Finnish handset manufacturer along with a new Nokia Lumia 1520. But surprise! It was the marketing challenged HTC that sent a tweet to James telling him that the world's best player needs the world's best smartphone. Well, you can see that HTC still doesn't have this marketing thing down because nowhere does it say the name of the device that is the best smartphone in the world. If we were running HTC's U.S. based marketing, we would have made sure that an HTC One max was on the way to LeBron and his teammates in Miami. 

source: @KingJames via RedmondPie

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