Tuesday 11 March 2014

The iPhone 4 is significantly faster under the latest iOS 7.1 update

The iPhone 4 is significantly faster under the latest iOS 7.1 updateBack in June 2013, Apple introduced to the world the first major iOS redesign ever with a flatter, more modern look. Compared with iOS 6, iOS 7 is also way flashier, and it initially introduced a plethora of sweeping animations that have often been accused of trying to cover up load times, though sometimes they're just genuinely long. 
As annoying as those may have been for some, nothing quite compared to the considerable performance losses experienced by iPhone 4 users -- the oldest iPhone to receive the update. Considering the aged hardware, that wasn't too surprising, and yet it still put some pressure on Apple, otherwise known for polishing its products, to remedy the situation through optimization tweaks. As it turns out, iOS 7.1 achieves that goal, and the performance boost is significant as Ars Technica points out. The folks behind have been keeping a close watch on anything related to iOS 7 performance ever the new software came out, and the team is back with more. 
The iPhone 4 is significantly faster under the latest iOS 7.1 update 
So what kind of improvements are we talking about? Not CPU or GPU, that's for sure -- the hardware underneath is still the same -- but app load times have seen a notable trim. Check out the table that Ars compiled: 
As you can see for yourself, load times have been significantly improved, and are now much closer to their pre-iOS 7 state. We have shortened animation times across the board to thank for these results, and this is about as good as the iPhone 4 is going to get, as Apple is dropping support for it in the next major update.  
source: Ars Technica

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