Tuesday 11 February 2014

Android customization app pulled over trademarks concerns

A customization app for Android called Themer, which featured a number of themed "looks" for modifying Android smartphones including an iOS 7-like theme, has been removed from the Google Play store with no indication of when it will return. Google pulled the app on February 2 after Apple complained that the iOS 7-esque theme used icons that infringed on Apple's patents. The developer says it has since addressed Apple's concerns, but Google has not yet restored the app. 
"Seven" theme that caused Themer to get pulled 
"We immediately removed [the "Seven" theme] and thought that, at worst, Themer would be back on Play in a few days," Ashvin Dhingra, the co-founder and CEO at Themer, told TechCrunch. "But now, a week later, we're facing the possibility that a few days might turn into a few weeks." 
The program offers pre-designed Android themes from contributors, more than 200 in all. Dhingra says that the company has spoken to Apple's legal representatives "who have been very nice, reasonable and helpful" and reports that the iPhone maker now has "no remaining concerns." However, he added that "Google has a process for these things, and there's nothing we can do to accelerate that process." The company is confident that the app will return, but is not sure when.

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